Flashes of Hope photo by KC Kratt


founded September 2012
kids photographed to date 1,305


The four words no parent ever wants to hear, "your baby has cancer". The four most uplifting words a parent can hear when faced with cancer "we're Flashes of Hope". As a parent who's child had cancer I know the time spent in a hospital can be exhausting. To have energetic people come in and... { more }
The four words no parent ever wants to hear, "your baby has cancer". The four most uplifting words a parent can hear when faced with cancer "we're Flashes of Hope". As a parent who's child had cancer I know the time spent in a hospital can be exhausting. To have energetic people come in and make you feel normal and happy for an hour is a gift that can never be repaid. In my darkest hour Allison Clarke walked into my 7 month old sons hospital room and said "go get your hair and make-up done, were doing a photo shoot". At first I said no as I had no clothes, just a white t-shirt and I had not slept in days. I came out looking and feeling like a supermodel. I was given a gift that day and I knew I would repay Allison for her generosity.

When I moved to New York I wanted to bring Flashes with me. I am blessed to have the Buffalo chapter of Flashes of Hope. I am able to give the gift that was given to me to Western New York families faced with cancer and other life threatening illnesses every month.

To pamper a mom who is struggling, to have a father get priceless time with a child, and to have siblings enjoy togetherness is worth every second.
There are really no words to express what happens in those hospital shoots. All I can say is that smiles break through tears and precious moments are forever captured.

Recent Support

Jennifer Jablonski
Chicago, Il

Anna Spacone
Bowmansville, NY

Laurie Dye
Lyndhurst, OH

Chapter Photographers

Volunteer Stylists

Jen Swift
Jessica Heenan
Jen Hayes
Julia Bumble
Laura Patterson
Chrystelle Llunga
Jen Ilunga

Chapter Director(s)

Allison Violante
[ bio ]
Allison Violante

Chapter Information


Shoot Locations

Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Camp Good Days & Special Times
Hockey Fights Cancer with the Buffalo Sabres

Chapter Sponsor

Buffalo Sabres

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