Flashes of Hope photo by Patrick Schneider


founded March 2008
kids photographed to date 3,475


I first got involved with Flashes of Hope a few years ago when I attended Camp Care as a volunteer photographer. I was immediately hooked on the organization and the idea of telling the incredible stories of these children and families through photographs. I am thrilled to be working a little more closely... { more }
I first got involved with Flashes of Hope a few years ago when I attended Camp Care as a volunteer photographer. I was immediately hooked on the organization and the idea of telling the incredible stories of these children and families through photographs. I am thrilled to be working a little more closely now with Kelly and the Charlotte group and look forward to many great experiences that will surely come through meeting all of the wonderful families, photographers and stylists. It's an honor to be part of such an amazing group of people.

Chapter Director(s)

Cindy Johnson
[ bio ]
Cindy Johnson
Rhiannon Mack
[ bio ]
Rhiannon Mack

Chapter Information


Shoot Locations

Levine Children's Hospital
Novant Health Hemby Children's Hospital
Camp Care

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