Flashes of Hope Launches Las Vegas, NV Chapter with NVCCF
March 01, 2007
Flashes of Hope was founded in August of 2001 by two parents of an 18 month old who was diagnosed with cancer. Their goal was to create uplifting portraits of children fighting cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. NCCF applied for a chapter in late summer of 2006 and it was approved by December 2006
The Las Vegas Chapter of Flashes of Hope was started in January of 2007 with the very first photo shoot taking place at Sunrise Children's Hospital in mid February. All photographs are taken by award winning photographers and help children feel better about their changing appearance. Each family is presented with a portrait package consisting of two 8x10's in a leather casing, 4x6 prints of all the proofs, and a CD of all their images.
Thus far the response to LVFOH has been heart-warming and encouraging. If you are interested in upcoming photo shoots please contact Andrea Rapanos, LV Chapter Director at 702-735-8434.
Donate now and brighten the lives of children with cancer.
Send a personal appeal to your friends and family.