Arizona ASMP to Partner With "Flashes of Hope"
April 10, 2007 | Posted by Steve Dreiseszun
"AZ/ASMP" to Partner With "Flashes of Hope"
by Steve Dreiseszun
The Phoenix, Arizona Chapter of ASMP recently agreed to partner with the newest chapter of "Flashes of Hope" which is a national non-profit organization that works with commercial photographers to provide free portraits to children battling cancer and other life threatening illnesses.
The organization has established a new chapter to serve Phoenix. Carie Frabotta is the Phoenix Director of Flashes and Phoenix Children's Hospital is the site of the ongoing project. Photo shoots will be conducted monthly.
Allison Clarke, founder of Flashes of Hope based near Cleveland, began the organization after a personal experience. She reached out to the National office of ASMP to help support her vision. She writes, "Thanks to our strong partnership with the national office of The American Society of Media Photographers, the best photographers in the world create powerful images of strength, beauty and dignity in cities across the U.S. We are currently in Philadelphia, Boston, Cleveland, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Denver, and Northern Virginia. Last year alone, we reached 1000 children. Ten additional cities will open in 2007 and 25 cities are on our waiting list."
The first photo shoot was conducted on April 5th, 2007. General Member Jeff Noble did the honors on behalf of the Chapter. As usual, Jeff brought his unique talent for creating natural and personal portraiture while remaining sensitive and placing his subjects at ease. One observer noted that "as a nurse or doctor, he might be a little... 'energetic' -- asPhoenix, Arizona ASMP Chapter President, Steve Dreiseszun said, "Our Chapter had been discussing ways we could give back to the community doing what we do well. This relationship comes at a perfect time for us and for our Members to show how committed we are to providing photographs to the Flashes of Hope families. I'm very proud of the response we've seen from our photographers as we begin this project."
We are pleased to be partners in the Flashes of Hope project here. Please watch this space for future updates on upcoming shoots.
For more information, please visit Flashes of Hope Web site at:
a photographer, he was perfect."
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